Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Final 8 Veto winner
Ultimately, what was odd about this competition for the most part was that the results of it really didn’t matter all that much. We knew that one way or another, we were going to see either Ika or Demetres go home on Thursday provided that everything stayed as it is at present. This competition isn’t going to be what ultimately dictates anything.
Nonetheless, we do feel obligated to still share who is ultimately the champ in the end!
So who was the final 8 Veto winner? After another really long wait to find out (hey, these seem to be getting longer and longer these days), we learned that Demetres won YET ANOTHER competition. He’s secured his safety for the week, which means that Ika is almost surely going home now. In turn, that means that Kevin will be the last returning player standing going into the Triple Eviction, which probably isn’t great given that four veterans would be on the jury and they’d all be potentially inclined to vote for him. He mentioned that Jackie could be a potential replacement nominee, which makes some sense given that he doesn’t want to anger Dillon and Karen (who he is trying to work with) and he also wants to keep William happy by not getting Dre involved. Obviously, these are tentative, and could change depending on the next day or so.
While winning here is great news for Demetres now, he really better hope that he wins one of the two competitions in the Triple. He’s the one person who may be an even bigger threat than Kevin given how many consecutive weeks that he’s been safe in one way or another. He may be one of the best competition players that we’ve ever seen in the history of the show. Typically, we don’t see people get on this sort of comp run until you get close to the end of the season.
What do you think about the outcome of the Big Brother Canada 5 Veto Competition today? Share now in the comments below!
Meanwhile, be sure to head over here to secure some additional news now when it comes to the show. We expect to have another update come Sunday, so stay tuned. (Photo: Global.)