Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: New HoH is…
Ultimately, Kevin clearly thought that he needed to win this competition, and he’s got the power for the week! This means, more than likely, that a huge swing in the game is coming. Odds are that he’ll nominate someone from the group of Karen, Ika, and Demetres, and it’s probably for the best. We do realize that there is a powerful middle of the house and he could be the biggest target if Demetres goes, but the reality here is mostly that he may not get another chance to do so. Demetres has the upside of Nick / Phil, where he could just win his way to the end. If Ika started to win a competition or two here and there, they could really run the table.
If Kevin does one of them out, he is going to have to put them on the block together. This seems to be one of the only ways in which he can ensure that one of them doesn’t win and take the other off the block … unless one of them gets crazy.
For the record, Ika and Karen are Have-Nots for the week, and that may be somewhat of an indication of what could happen later this week if Kevin was the person to pick them. (Jackie has to sleep in the Have-Not room, but has the slop pass so she doesn’t have to deal with that.)
We do understand that there is a good argument here to getting rid of Ika before taking out Demetres, mostly because she’s the better strategic player and mostly controls her showmance partner. Yet, she’s yet to win a single challenge this season and he’s the biggest weapon that she has.
Suffice it to say, we feel like the next few days are going to be incredibly interesting! We’re going to have a chance to see what happens in terms of nominations, and beyond that, we’re sure that there will be tea aplenty spilled as we get further and further in the week and people start to get a little bit desperate.
If you want to get some other news on Big Brother Canada, including our take on Bruno’s exit, be sure to head over to the link here right now! We’ll be back with an interview with Bruno on Friday. (Photo: Global.)