Big Brother Canada 5: Bruno Ielo evicted, becomes third juror
Tonight, Bruno was evicted from the game in what was ultimately a 5-1 vote, with Kevin of course being the one person who decided to give Bruno a vote. Given that he hates Karen and Karen hates him, this is the least surprising reveal ever.
Going into this season, we said that Bruno was the most underrated player in the history of the show, given that he was an excellent social player who was smart, strategic, and capable of winning competitions when he needs to. Coming out of this season, we do think that he did remind us once more of his status as a good player, but he probably tried a little too hard in retrospect to be under the radar. His moves were subtle, and he really didn’t want to put a huge target on his back or Kevin’s. There were just a series of little moves over the course of the season that doomed him, starting with allowing Ika and Demetres to drift, and then not convincing Sindy during the Double Eviction to keep Neda in the game. He didn’t stick his neck out there at times because he didn’t want to be a target, and as a result of that, he wasn’t able to get things going his way once we got to the jury phase of the game.
Now that we’ve said all of that, we do think that Bruno tried pretty hard in order to survive this week. He campaigned, and he tried to figure out how to stick around. His issues here were in the end pretty two-fold, starting with the fact that he was up against an obvious jury goat in Karen and ending with the fact that his relationship with Kevin was an obvious issue for everyone else in the game. While it made some sense for Ika and Demetres to consider keeping that target around, it didn’t make sense for virtually anyone in the middle in the house.
What do you think about Bruno’s eviction from the Big Brother Canada game, and do you think that evicting him was the right move for all of the players? Share below.
Meanwhile, head over here to get some other news when it comes to Big Brother Canada right now. (Photo: Global.)