The Leftovers season 3 theme song: Why all the changes?

The Leftovers season 3 theme song

For many diehard fans, The Leftovers season 3 theme song is probably a subject being pondered over. Specifically, it’s different. For the first two seasons of the show, the Damon Linelof series at least stayed with opening music to accompany the visuals. However, for season 3 we’ve seen some differences. For example, this past week we got the theme to Perfect Strangers, and that is something that is going to change moving forward into Sunday.

As to the reasoning behind this revolving door, this is clearly an intentional choice on the part of Lindelof and the producers to ensure one thing: That variety remains the spice of life. Speaking per TVLine, here is what the executive producer had to say on the subject:

“Because we changed the title sequence between Seasons 1 and Seasons 2, we wanted to do something different [in Season 3]. So we said, ‘What if we treated the opening title sequence like an overture?’ There’s a way to thematically introduce the episode to come just by changing the title music every week.”

We do think that there is something to that since it adds that other layer of mystery to the show. While in retrospect the choice of the Perfect Strangers theme song for this past season is fairly on-the-nose, we do wonder if that is going to be the case the rest of the way. We do have a feeling that as we get closer to the end of the series, they will choose to make things a little more mysterious. In turn, this may help to further discussion for what is already a really active community. This is, in the end, a very exciting show that continues to love to give you really exciting twists. We’ll see now where things go and what music is chosen.

Of course, we like to have the mental image in our head of Lindelof being off somewhere, combing through a wide array of Spotify playlists trying to find the one that makes the most sense to whatever he is doing thematically at the time.

What do you think about the constant change in terms of The Leftovers season 3 theme song? Share in the comments below!

Meanwhile, head over here to get some further news when it comes to the show, and that includes the latest reviews and so much more. (Photo: HBO.)

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