Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Bearing with Demetres
As a result of a task earlier today, some ridiculous punishments were handed out. For Demetres, he found himself relegated to sporting a bear costume and roaming around as a result. He will have to do this for the next several days, while he, Ika, and Kevin also have to do some sort of cold baths. Jackie received what we think is a slop pass, which is one of the few nice things that has happened to her over the course of the season. This has been a fairly tough season for her other than her still being in the game.
Most of this did liven up the house slightly after it was chaotic earlier and then rather quiet. Karen flipped out after being the replacement nominee following the Secret Veto being played. We find Karen very funny, but the reality here still is that if other people said some of the things that she’s said to Kevin, there would probably be petitions to get her thrown out. She’s been unnecessarily cruel to him, especially since he didn’t really do anything despite some suspicions that he did. (Kevin knows that William is the one who saved him, and William also went and told Dre.)
Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem as though Bruno has much of a chance of staying. While Karen is a loose cannon and she’s driving people up the wall, the thing here is that Bruno is the obvious threat and everyone may feel like they don’t have another chance to get rid of him. The only hope he really has is if there is a way to convince Ika that Dre is playing both sides; if that happens, maybe he can get her and Demetres on board. If Kevin and William then vote to keep him, he has a chance … but that’s minuscule.
We’ll see what happens tomorrow, since Bruno does still have over two days and he’s a good player. Remember, the last time he was evicted he had virtually zero time to campaign for his life.
For more news on Big Brother Canada, be sure to come back tomorrow over at the link here! We’ll be excited to be bringing you even more in the way of coverage. (Photo: Global.)