Big Brother Canada live feed spoilers: Did William use a Veto?
In the end, William did decide to use the Secret Veto on Kevin, which means that Demetres has now named Karen the replacement nominee. Effectively, William pulled a half-measure, which was probably the worst thing that he could have done. Now, Bruno is likely going to be leaving this week, and Ika / Demetres have an even faster road to targeting him. He’s also lost a little trust with Dre in the process, and we think that working with Kevin / Bruno would probably have been one of his better choices going into an HoH that Demetres can’t play in.
Is there a chance for Bruno to save himself? Maybe, since he would need three votes and a tiebreaker from Demetres. If he can get Ika, Kevin, and William on board, he could be in a position where this actually happens. It’d be tricky, but in theory it’s possible given that Karen’s been talking a lot of smack and making things so much harder on everyone in the house. Ika and Demetres have both been annoyed with her at times, and we know Kevin would love for her to leave. (Technically Kevin’s Veto was secret, but Karen saw him find it, so it was basically the same thing as him playing the normal one.)
As you would imagine, Karen’s not happy, so maybe there’s a chance that she will sink her own ship. If we were Bruno, we’d make an argument that Karen, Dre, Dillon, and Jackie could form some sort of Exterminators-like alliance where the middle of the house takes out all of the sides. That’s something that could actually happen, and it’d be one of the darkest timelines of the season in the event that it actually did.
What do you think is going to be happening in the Big Brother Canada house the remainder of this week? Share now in the attached comments! (Photo: Global.)