Elementary season 6 renewal hopes: Series boss optimistic

Elementary season 6 renewal hopes

Will there be an Elementary season 6? It is absolutely understandable to want more, given that the show is at a point creatively where it is one of the best mystery shows airing on TV.

Unfortunately, we’re also at a point where it is very easy to be frustrated with CBS over some of the stuff that they’re doing with the series. For a prime example, think about the timeslot, the delays, and that one week where it was preempted altogether from the schedule.

So where are we now in terms of whether or not the show will be back? It all comes down to the ratings. While they’re not great, there are international ratings and syndication considerations here. The Sherlock Holmes brand is a mighty one, and given that CBS owns this show, it’s easier to keep it over some that are coming from an outside studio.

For the record, showrunner Rob Doherty still feels very confident that there is a chance the show will come back. For more, take a look at what he had to say to TVLine:

“I’m an eternal optimist … I feel good. I feel like we’ve had a strong season. We’re certainly very pleased with the way it’s wrapping up. And trust me, there’s a lot of Elementary left in this humble writing staff. Many, many stories to come.” 

Doherty also mentioned that the finale wasn’t written to be the end of the series — based on the synopsis that was recently released for the episode, there is reason to think that a notorious character will be returning in some shape or form. Is it Moriarty? Tough to say, but we’d love for her to be mentioned, even if Natalie Dormer doesn’t turn up for an appearance. Sherlock needs villains who are intellectual equals, and there aren’t exactly a whole lot of them out there for him. Moriarty has not only the intelligence, but the charm and the criminal minds to be a genuine triple-threat.

We don’t want to get TOO far ahead of ourselves here, though, given that there is a new episode of Elementary airing on CBS on Sunday night. Want to get some more news leading up to that? Then we suggest that you head over here and see the latest official sneak peek.

Meanwhile, be sure to share in the comments your own hopes and expectations for season 6 of the show. (Photo: CBS.)

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