big Brother Canada 5 spoilers: How William’s Secret Veto works
The first thing that you should know (per a Global release) here is that if William plays the Veto, it doesn’t work in the same way that a normal one does. He won’t automatically have immunity, and he could be nominated by Demetres in the place of whoever he saves. The unfortunate thing about this news is that it does significantly lessen the chance that he plays it, unless he just so happens to also win the normal Power of Veto, as well. If he does that, he could effective change the entire nominees, and this could lead to someone like Jackie or Karen going home at the end of the day.
What also could complicate it is the fact that Karen seems to know that he found it, and this could lead to the whole “secret” part of it being thrown out the window.
As for when William’s Veto will be played, the rules state that it will take place at the end of the Veto Ceremony, meaning that if he uses it, there will still be time for the new replacement nominee to have to fight for their safety in the game.
One thing that is very important to remember as we move further and further into this week is that in order to avoid a tiebreaker, you need to be able to get four of the six eligible votes from your fellow players. Kevin and Bruno are facing pretty impossible odds, and it’s going to be very curious to see if they can figure out a way to both stay alive through the week. If they figure it out, they will certainly earn the label of excellent players. They’ve both had their slip-ups over the course of the season, but really the one thing that’s held them back as of late is their inability to win Head of Household and dictate more of the action.
Remember that we’ll be back later over at the link here with some further information about the Power of Veto winner and what lies ahead after that. (Photo: Global.)