Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Nominations, Veto players, plans


There wasn’t a whole lot to write about in terms of the Big Brother Canada house on Friday, at least until we got around to the night. After all, the nominations were predictably Kevin and Bruno … but things may be starting to change ever so slightly.

This morning, Ika and Demetres have had many conversations, and are starting to realize that the two of them are enormous targets … so much so that if they don’t have power, the likes of William, Dre, Karen, and Jackie could look to take them out of the game. If Ika is on the block against Bruno, for example, she has a chance to stay. If she is up there with Karen, she’s toast.

While you can’t change nominations (and it still sounds like Ika and Demetres may want Kevin to leave this week), it does seem like Bruno could end up working with the two of them moving forward if they have their way. What they don’t realize is that there’s that odd chance William plays his secret Veto — what happens if he also wins the regular Veto, and ends up removing both Kevin and Bruno from the block? If he is also immune, does that mean that the entire week changes? (That all seems reasonably unlikely, but it’s interesting to think about.)

The Veto Players for later today are Kevin, Bruno, Demetres, Ika, William, and Dre. Everyone in that mix is capable of winning a competition, so this could be fairly interesting. Thanks to William’s Secret Veto, the remainder of this week could prove interesting no matter what happens.

One other thing worth mentioning here is that it’s looking more and more like Karen could be the replacement nominee over Jackie. Ika is getting annoyed with her, and it does seem like she’s perfectly set up to be a final two goat for so many different people. Since that takes a spot away from Ika, it makes sense to want to get her out of the game.

If you missed it yesterday…

Be sure to check out our exit interview with Sindy! It may be short, but we do go through a few things that are pretty important in regards to her game.

We’ll be back a little bit later in the day in order to touch further on what happens with the Power of Veto Competition. (Photo: Global.)

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