Big Brother Canada 5 – Sindy Nguyen interview: Looking back at her game
Then, Ika Wong came around and Sindy made the decision to blindside Neda during the Double Eviction. Naming her as a replacement nominee and sending her out the door proved to be a fatal mistake, and she ended up being a replacement nominee for Dillon this week. Had Dillon not won HoH, maybe things would’ve been much different, but sometimes luck plays a big role in what happens in the house.
In our Sindy Nguyen interview today, we touch on a few different aspects of her game, including how she campaigned to Ika and Demetres and how she was willing to nominate or backdoor Bruno this coming week had he not supported her staying in the game.
CarterMatt – In retrospect, is there anything that you wish that you had said while campaigning to stay alive?
Sindy – I wish I had did what I did the day of my eviction the night before. Yesterday, day 41, I campaigned to Ika and Demetres. We hashed things out, and they really did want to keep me. They just didn’t want Dre. William, Dillon, and Karen to feel blindsided. They wished that I went to them the night before, day 40, so that they would have had an entire night and day to push and campaign for me.
I don’t think there was anything that I could’ve said differently, it was just when I presented [what I said].
Had you stayed this week and won Head of Household, what were your plans?
That’s a tough question, because it would go down to who voted to keep me. I think if it was Kevin, Bruno, [Ika], and Demetres who kept me, then I would have put up Dre and William or Dre and Dillon. If Ika and Demetres and Dre and William were to keep me, I might have done Bruno and Dillon or Dillon and Karen to backdoor Bruno.
It would’ve been very tough — the HoH competition yesterday was one that I wanted to win, since I could’ve had a video from home and my own room for my birthday.
Why do you think so many veterans have had a difficult time working together?
I don’t think that many veterans had a huge issue with each other. I think five of us worked well together, but three of us weren’t compatible with the rest of the five.
With Dallas, he said that he hung out with the newbies because he wanted to get information — he just never shared that information. Cassandra caused a lot of distrust with the vets by saying ‘I’m done with the vets’ when things didn’t go her way. Gary made a lot of final two deals with almost every vet in the house.
The five of us did work very well together — we just didn’t communicate well. We weren’t on the block until all the way to day 35. We did a good job the first half of the season staying off of the block. But, the fact that there were eight newbies and eight vets, it felt like everyone was more receptive to working with either group. If there were only four vets or six vets, then maybe they would be tighter and work together; because it was a higher number, that’s why it was harder for vets to work together.
Were you rooting for Sindy to win Big Brother Canada this season? Sound off now in the comments below!
Meanwhile, be sure to visit the link here in the event you want to get some further news on the Big Brother Canada 5 live feeds, including the latest Head of Household.
Big Brother Canada airs on Wednesdays at 9 p.m. ET/PT, Thursdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT, and Mondays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on Global (Photo: Global.)