Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Secret Veto surfaces!
Today on the live feeds, William made it clear that he is in possession of this power, which he must have found at some point earlier this week when the feeds were down (argh). We don’t think that anyone else knows he has it, since nobody’s talked about it.
As for its powers … for the time being we think that it’s probably the same as having a normal Power of Veto. It’s powerful, but the limits of its power will vary based on how it’s played. For example, this week it’d actually be pretty interesting if he played it. If he saved Sindy, would Dillon go back on his word and nominate Bruno; or, would he consider swinging in another direction? We know that William hasn’t been all that happy with Ika later, so maybe he could plead with Dillon to get her on the block.
Another thing to keep in mind here is if William does have the power to nominate someone — he’s been very close to Kevin lately, so that could give you an indication of where he could go with it.
Given that the moment on the feeds was so brief, it’s still far too early to know the extent of its powers or when he can use it. It’s just something interesting to keep in the back of your head as we go through the rest of the week. If he doesn’t have to use it this week, we figure that he won’t unless he legitimately feels like he’s got an opportunity to take out a huge player.
For now, it still feels like Sindy’s the game without too much debate later this week. Jackie is not really a threat to anyone’s game, so it makes little to no logical sense for anyone to try and get her out of the game. (We see Jackie at this point almost a lock for the final four — Karen used to be in that position, but she’s probably played herself into being a bigger threat.)
What do you think about the new Secret Veto, and how do you expect it to be used? Share in the comments below!
Meanwhile, be sure to head over to the link here in the event you want to get some other news when it comes to the show. (Photo: Global.)