Was Big Brother Canada 5 ultimately unfair to Neda Kalantar?


Tonight, Big Brother Canada 5 aired its double-eviction show, and the end results of it were a surprise, to put it mildly. What we ended up seeing, following the unsurprising decision to send home Emily Hawkin, was Sindy winning a surprise Head of Household and then taking advantage of the opportunity to send Neda Kalantar to jury.

As a result of that, we saw what was quite possibly the end to one of the most unfair portrayals that we’ve seen on the show through any season. Neda was loved and celebrated the first time, and then rooted against hard the second time. This is meant to be a fun, silly show. We understand what happened during season 15 of the US show to generate boos — yet, Neda wasn’t treated all that differently, and she didn’t do anything near as wrong. Her low point was seemingly taunting Cassandra on her way out the door. However, other than that and some snide remarks here and there, what has she really done? She didn’t say anything racist, she didn’t make fun of someone’s appearance; the worst thing that she ever did was get into power.

There is something interesting in the relationship between us as viewers and underdogs — we love them because we’re inclined to. We ignore any potential flaws and focus more on the story. When said underdog isn’t an underdog anymore, we suddenly look at all of the flaws and they are blown completely out of proportion. Neda let the power get to her head at times, but the crucifying of her as some terrible and different person this time is wrong. She was just in a different position, and this game favors the people who start as the underdogs. If you look back at three out of the first four winners, they weren’t in dominant alliances in the early part of the game. If Topaz voted the right way and Gary won the first season, you could say the same thing about every season of the show.

One of the biggest nails in the coffin for Neda this season was her learning that Canada didn’t like her. This, in turn, may have psychologically empowered Sindy and others to get her out. Canada’s outside influence impacted the game, and that influenced was based in part on a TV show edit that was incomplete and at times unnecessary. There is poetry in how Sindy evicted her given the way that the show portrayed their relationship previously; what the show didn’t give you was how remorseful and apologetic Neda was to Sindy after people in the house made fun of her.

Don’t get us wrong — Neda could’ve done many things better this season. Yet, she’s still a great player and, based on our previous interactions with her, a very good person. Her exit may not have been unfair by the rules of the game, but it certainly was when it comes to treatment. (Also, just because Neda could’ve handled Cassandra’s exit better doesn’t give Ika license to be awful to her tonight on the way out.)

What do you think about both Neda’s exit, and also the way in which she was treated this season on Big Brother Canada? Share in the comments below!

Meanwhile, head over here for some further news when it comes to the show. (Photo: Global.)

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