Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Ika – Demetres plotting galore
As a matter of fact, earlier today Ika and Demetres seemed to continue some of their planning thing from the vantage point that he was going to still be around, and that was just something that they would have to deal with. They seemed fine ultimately to prepare with that in mind, mostly because their real goal at this point is to break up “The Six,” otherwise known as the big alliance that doesn’t exist anymore. They want to nominate Dillon and Jackie, leaving themselves open to getting out a Bruno or a Neda, in the event that Neda’s immunity is up sooner rather than later.
Demetres continues to do a good job being a calming influence on Ika, and someone she will listen to. While we still think they’ll be a target before the end, their partnership is one of the few things keeping Demetres from being a typical bro and Ika from being completely all over the place.
As for some other highlights from the house today, a failed boxing task has the players all hilariously in boxing gloves, which led to some really uncomfortable situations where people couldn’t manage normal house activities. These are the sort of tasks that we love for the day, mostly just because they produce instant live-feed fun, as does any opportunity to get Ika, Dre, and Karen in the same room.
Kudos to the Big Brother Canada producers this week — we do complain about the feeds being down a lot, but they really have been a lot of fun over the past few days. What’s also great about this week is that no matter who goes home, we won’t be losing another big character after seeing both Gary and Cassandra go home.
If you want to get some further news when it comes to Big Brother Canada, just be sure to head over to the link here! (Photo: Global.)