Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Power of Veto winner revealed
The biggest bit of entertainment that we could’ve gotten going into this competition was if Dillon won and took off Emily, given that it’s something he’s talked about before.
In the end, though, we were surprised to see that one of the other players besides the nominees and the HoH ended up taking home the prize — Kevin is your Power of Veto winner! What that means is that he’s going to have a chance to … well, leave the nominations the same. He’s saying that he is glad that he proved he could win something, which is a terrible lie since it wasn’t about that at all. This was really about the fact that there was apparently $10,000 on the line and everyone wants to win money.
Kevin tonight’s also done some work trying to convince William that in the end, Dillon is better to keep because he’s a really big target, and Emily could go off with Jackie and be someone who stays for a long time. Overall, keeping Dillon is probably better for almost everyone’s game other than Jackie given that he’s such an obvious sitting duck who could go on the block again.
We do still stand by what we said earlier that William targeting one of these two is a good move on his part. If nothing else, he may have helped secure it with many people that he’s not the main target in the double-eviction so much as someone like Dre, Jackie, or whoever else stays with Dillon and Emily. Meanwhile, he should now sit back, find some numbers, and start letting the big alliance cannibalize itself because that’s almost certainly coming. No way are people like Neda, Bruno, and Kevin working with each other until the very end. To be specific, it’s really just Neda; we could see it with Kevin and Bruno.
What do you think about the Power of Veto winner for the week? Share now in the comments below!
Meanwhile, be sure to head over to the link here in the event you want to get some more news right now when it comes to Big Brother Canada. (Photo: Global.)