Big Brother Canada 5 – Gary Levy exit interview: On having no regrets, veteran exits
Unfortunately, a combination of bad luck (the Reverse Week twist) and some strategic missteps (supporting Cassandra vocally before she left the game) led to him being targeted, and Demetres cast the sole vote to evict him last night. Going into this Gary Levy exit interview, we were excited to see what he had to say about his game, any potential regrets, and also a question that we’ve had for him for quite some time now — whether or not he personally felt that his target was amplified because of him taking part in the Big Brother Canada Side show for a couple of years.
CarterMatt – In looking back at your game, is there any one moment that you can look at as a sort of turning point where things didn’t work out the way they did?
Gary Levy – I don’t think so. I think if Cassandra stayed, things would obviously be different — but again, Demetres was the guy who didn’t want to make it happen. There was nothing I could do, because I did everything that I could to articulate to the people who could make [Cassandra] stay that this was an option and it could happen. Demetres just wasn’t on board.
We’ve seen now for three straight weeks veterans get evicted from the game. Are you surprised about that, and do you think that there’s so much headbutting among the veterans that it could lead to some newbies making it to the end?
I only see [the headbutting] with the vet alliance that was supposed to be a thing, with the ego and the talk about who was going to be a target. I don’t really see it as the vets going head to head against each other in the house. I see it evening out, but some of the newbies are on the vet level and they have new, fresh ideas. I think everyone is on an [even playing field], but the vets have the experience of being on the show before. This is just a bold new ticket, [however,] so it’s hard to use any past experience that we have because it’s a whole new thing.
Did you find that hosting the Side Show made you even more of a target than you already would have been, just because you were publicly talking about the game for so long?
I don’t know. I’m not sure. No one really brought up the Side Show in the house. I don’t think so.
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