Legends of Tomorrow season 2 finale: Who left? Los Angeles dinosaurs
In order to stop Doomsworld once and for all, the Legends went back in time to the 1910’s, where they were previously during “The Fellowship of the Spear,” in order to see precisely if there was a way to change things around so that the Legion of Doom didn’t win. The entire plan was completely nuts, and what we ended up seeing was one of the deadliest finales ever … mostly because of how we saw multiple versions of every single member of the team die as they squared off against the Legion on the battlefield. Some survived the likes of Malcolm Merlyn, Damien Darhk, and Captain Cold, but in the end almost all of them were killed by Eobard Thawne, who decided to fight fire with fire. He went and brought multiple versions of himself to fight alongside him, and for a time, that worked.
The one thing that he didn’t do fast enough (ironically) was stopping lone survivor Sara from using the spear. She was able to rewrite history so that it no longer had any power, and in the process, brought the Black Flash to the battlefield to do away with the Reverse-Flash once and for all. a pretty epic way for him to go, no?
About fifteen minutes into this episode, we were pumped beyond all reason for what we were watching. By far, this was one of the best episodes of the series to date.
The aftermath of stopping Thawne
Malcolm Merlyn was brought over to 2016; meanwhile, Rory brought Snart back to 2014, where he could be put on the journey towards eventually redeeming himself … albeit one where he does die eventually. Sara then brought Damien Darhk back to his proper place in the timeline.
As for Amaya, she decided that she wanted to fight her destiny (at least for now). The person who decided to leave the Legends was Rip Hunter, who determined that the team was functional without him and didn’t need him anymore.
Here’s the problem: The team tried to go to Mick’s dream destination of Aruba, only to crash in Los Angeles instead … and learn that their actions had caused dinosaurs to exist in the present. Whoops.
More news on Legends of Tomorrow
If you are interested in getting some other discussion season 3 of the series, including a premiere date, be sure to head over to the link here! (Photo: The CW.)