The Walking Dead season 8: Scott M. Gimple teases story on Talking Dead

Scott M. Gimple

Following tonight’s The Walking Dead finale on AMC and Into the Baldands, we finally got a chance to dive a little bit deeper with Talking Dead. There was an episode tonight that featured showrunner Scott M. Gimple and then three actors who all played a big part in the episode — Jeffrey Dean Morgan (sporting some sort of Santa Claus beard), Norman Reedus, and Sonequa Martin-Green. Martin-Greed’s character of Sasha died during the episode, and it was a worthy farewell.

We did get to see over the course of the episode a little bit of a Sasha tribute, as Sonequa explained how it was Sasha’s time to go. As soon as she realized that the choice was going to be either her or some other members of the group who end up biting the dust, she realizes that she wants to be the one to die. She’d rather do that than force anyone else into the fate.

Beyond the death of Sasha, we were of course interested in seeing what the sort of season 8 tease was going to be via Gimple near the end of the show. He proceeded to go to say that every season, there is some sort of promise made in order to have the show be bigger and bolder. However, this time around, he said that he meant it even more than ever before:

“This year, [things are going to be] more intense. The first four episodes will melt people’s minds.”

Yes, that isn’t much of a tease, but we’re not entirely sure just how much you really expected given that filming for the season hasn’t even begun just yet. The good thing is that with so many characters together, there will be some fewer oneshots with characters out on their own. (It would be nice if we found out what happened to Heath at some point.)

We definitely know via Andrew Lincoln that he was especially eager to dive into the world of the new season right away and start to play around. It was an eagerness that he hasn’t quite felt while doing some of the other seasons over time, even if he enjoyed doing them. Given how the finale ended with Rick getting a small victory over Negan, we understand why he wanted to keep going.

If you want to get some additional news right now when it comes to The Walking Dead finale, be sure to head over to the link here right now. (Photo: AMC.)

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