Big Brother Canada 5: Cassandra Shahinfar’s eviction; Reverse Week

Cassandra Shahinfar

On tonight’s episode of Big Brother Canada 5, we saw the end of the road for Cassandra Shahinfar. Unfortunately, it was rather difficult to create drama in a situation where there was very little of it. There was never a point where it seriously looked this week that she was going to have the numbers to save herself.

Cassandra’s biggest issue for the entire season was simply her own hubris and high opinion of her previous game. She felt like she was able to manipulate everyone into doing what she wanted, and she went in and played way too hard right out of the gate. Neda getting Head of Household this week was also fatal to her game, since she was someone empowered to make this move. This was why it was so good for her to win Head of Household at the moment — she’s got safety, and therefore the ability to do what she wants for a little while without direct repercussions for her game.

In the end, the vote was unanimous for a reason. One thing we do want to touch on was that Neda acted unnecessarily petty towards Cass on her way out the door. We love Neda, but it was such a poor luck for her with someone going already out the door. Her goal should be to be under-the-radar, and not making comments that make her stand out like a sore thumb. It’s like Michaela and Sandra on Survivor last night — let the great move speak for itself.

As for Cass, this doesn’t change our opinion of her as a player. She’s great when she’s got a target in front of her. Unfortunately, her gameplay is far too obvious to keep out of trouble when that target’s not there.

Reverse Week – After Cassandra was evicted, we saw basically what was a live vote for nominations. Everyone will choose two people to nominate. We don’t know the full results just yet, but we CAN say with some confidence is that this is not a twist that we love given that there’s no clear Head of Household making nominations and it takes even more hope away from the underdogs.

Let us know your thoughts on Cassandra’s eviction, and the new twist, in the comments!

Want some other news when it comes to Big Brother Canada? Then be sure to head over to the link here! We’ll have an interview with Cassandra online tomorrow. (Photo: Global.)

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