Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Week 3 Veto Ceremony results

Week 3 Veto Ceremony

There was a sense of dread hanging over the Week 3 Veto Ceremony on Big Brother Canada 5 today, mostly because of what it was likely going to be bringing to the table — the beginning of the end of Cassandra Shahinfar.

This was a tough situation for William to be. Going into this season, Cassandra was one of his favorite players. Yet, winning the Veto placed him in a position where he had to keep her on the block. He made that move, and now either she or Jackie will be going home come Thursday night.

What’s somewhat interesting at this point is that some of the outliers seem to be aware now that the likes of Neda, Kevin, and Bruno are running the game at present, but they don’t seem to be doing all that much to get around it and stopping them. Ika’s talking in the house today about Cassandra would never target her, but is there really that much of a movement to save Cass? We don’t see it — heck, Ika even told her last night that she doesn’t have the votes to stay in the game!

If Cass does leave this week, it’s going to be a difficult pill to swallow knowing that we’ve lost both her and Dallas in consecutive weeks, meaning that the rest of the show will be without that entertainment. Yet, Cass doesn’t have anyone to blame but herself. Her biggest issue in our mind is that she entered this season with an extremely elevated opinion of herself, and we think that this detracted heavily from her game since she was so interested in being Cass the back-stabbing super-strategist character. She didn’t realize how closely people would be watching her, and overestimated just how easily she’d get out of tough situations. Also, her jealousy of Neda over the time-warp vote wasn’t a good look, and neither is her thinking that there will be a twist that sends her back into the game. (Someone please stop us before we mention the words Frankie and Grande here as a comparison — we love Cass far too much to go to that level.)

We’ll keep track of what the rest of the week holds and if there is a genuine chance for her to get out of this mind. For the time being, though, we’re certainly worried. You can head over to the link here if you’re interested in getting some other news pertaining to Big Brother Canada this season.

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