Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Week 3 Power of Veto winner

Week 3 Power of Veto

The week 3 Power of Veto Competition in the Big Brother Canada 5 house was certainly an interesting one, largely because of the lay of the land going into it.

If you missed it, Neda is the Head of Household, and she decided to nominate both Cassandra and Jackie. The former is the clear target, with one of the biggest reasons for it being her making deals with everyone and throwing Neda’s name out there as a potential target. It’s a smart move for Neda in our mind, even if most of the online community seems bummed out about the idea of one popular houseguest going after the other so early in the game.

The good news for Cassandra is that she’s competing today against Jackie, Neda, Emily, Ika, and William. While Neda and Ika can win competitions, there’s not a legendary competition threat in the bunch. The bad news is that Cassandra’s pretty bad in most comps, and couldn’t win them when her life in the game depended on it back in season 4.

Could she pull it off this time? Unfortunately for her, the answer to that is a clear “no.” William won the Veto after an extremely long wait in between the feeds going down and them coming back (think around six or so hours). He probably didn’t need to win the competition given that he wasn’t in any danger of being a replacement nominee, but if this gets Cassandra out, there is a good shot that it earns him favor with the rest of the house and that is absolutely valuable down the run in the game. You always want to curry favor if you can with the rest of the house, and this is a great way in which to do so.

For now, William doesn’t plan to use the Veto, and all signs probably point towards Cassandra leaving the game. She may have some allies here and there, but she is a bigger target and there is no denying that. The only real argument you could make towards keeping her is that she’s a target to hide behind, but even with that being said, people like Kevin and Bruno are pretty close to Neda and will likely not want to do anything to anger her, especially when she cannot leave the game at any point until jury. Moments like this are one of the many reasons why the time-warp power is especially important.

If you want to get some further news when it comes to Big Brother Canada, including some further updates on the feeds, be sure to head over to the link here. (Photo: Global.)

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