Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Why Cassandra, why?
This season … let’s just say she needs a Tim. Specifically, she needs someone to enter the game and humble her a little bit! Cassandra entering the game this time spoke about how surprised and happy she was to learn that people loved her game. She thought she was a villain in the house, and she came out to a chorus of people calling “queen.” That’s unfortunately gotten to her head to the point where she thinks she has some giant invisible crown floating about her noggin. She seems jealous of Neda’s popularity and the fact that she was given the time-wrap power — as a matter of fact, she’s mentioned in several times! If Neda does feel threatened by Cassandra’s popularity, she’s barely mentioned it. She’s got other things to worry about.
Cassandra’s ego seems to be one of the biggest reasons why she’s in such huge danger with Neda as Head of Household. She’s tried to play the same game as last time, and without someone to reel her in, everyone’s compared notes and knows that she’s trying to be a snake in the grass. The plan right now seems to be to nominate both her and Jackie, with Jackie being a decent pawn / backup target. The reality here is that it’s hard to see noms changing this time. Jackie’s an unknown as a comp threat, and Cass was pretty terrible last season. Her and Tim’s inability to win comps down the stretch last season is one of the reasons why they squandered much of their momentum.
We do want to see Cass turn it around because she’s great TV — her game’s actually a little like Tony’s from Survivor in the it’s incredibly high-risk. If she can get the ball rolling she’s incredibly dangerous and she can easily win a season. If not, she’s such an enormous target that it’s pretty difficult for her to overcome it. Right now, the ball’s not rolling, and Cassandra will likely be on the block at the end of the day.
Stay tuned, as we’re going to have an exit interview with Dallas Cormier online a little bit later in the day.