Big Brother Canada 5 live feed spoilers: Dallas vs. Dillon, round 3424325
It’s been a fairly active overnight on the campaign front, at least in terms of people trying to save Dallas. The problem here is that other than Cass, he doesn’t seem to have much support from the veterans. Meanwhile, he also doesn’t have Dillon or Karen. Dre’s considering nominating newbies if she falls into power, and she’s connected enough to go with the numbers. There aren’t many paths for Dallas to stay alive, and his constant blowups don’t help his cause.
Really, one of the best quotes of this whole ordeal came courtesy of Ika, who noted that Cass and Dallas are far more dangerous than Emily and Dillon, given that Cass is “smarter” than Emily and Dillon combined. In terms of game knowledge, that’s probably true and you don’t want her getting her way for the second straight week. Demetres probably wasn’t ever going to put her up, so getting rid of one of her closest allies is the next-best thing that they can do.
The only challenge when it comes to going after Cass next week is that if you do that, all of a sudden you find yourself surrendering some of the numbers back over to the newbies. Do they really want to run that risk?
Back to Dallas vs. Dillon
The two had another fight earlier this morning, and it was full of stupid, hollow threats and claims about how people know people outside the house. Apparently, Dillon and Bruno are Facebook friends — who knew? Not that this really matters all that much in the end.
Dillon obviously is really upset about all of this drama, but is being encouraged by the fact that Dallas is hurting his game more by acting out like this. It’s probably true — you want to be sly like a fox in Big Brother Canada, and he’s more like a bull in a china shop. He may be somewhat predictable in that you know he’s going to be a bull, but it’s too damaging to be worth the time or effort to keep him in the game – even if he’s a great big target and a way to keep the heat off of other big targets.
If you do want to get some more news right now when it comes to Big Brother Canada 5, be sure to head over to the link here. (Photo: Global.)