Shark Tank revisited: Chi’lantro, Milk Snob, Toor, Jack’s Stands
In this article, we take a look at how they’re doing today, and if our initial perception of the company has changed since their first appearance. (You can read more about our initial take on some of them by reading the review from earlier this season.)
Milk Snob – The name of the company still is somewhat confusing, since we think that this is some line of super-fancy dairy product that you get at the grocery store. Not exactly. It’s an all-purpose cover for mothers and their babies. They had an agreement with Lori Greiner on the show, and what we’ve really seen the focus be here is ever-changing styles and designs. Style is so important to so many people, and the company has their finger still on the pulse of how to make sales escalate.
Jack’s Stands – It wasn’t a surprise at the time that the Sharks didn’t bit on a deal here, mostly because this is a business operated by someone who is still so young! This is a time in your life where you are still figuring out a lot in terms of who you want to be, and as a result of that, it’s hard to also keep a business going and operating. We do see this as a smart idea still for kids wanting to learn about business in a safe environment. However, it’s not a business that can be scaled easily given that it’s so locally-based.
Chi’lantro – This is a potential large-scale restaurant chain that had an agreement with Barbara Corcoran, which was good given that she understood this space. They’ve got a firm hold at the moment on the Austin area, but it’s probably still too recent from the last episode of the show to know if it can expand anywhere else like a Tom + Chee. Our feeling is that you have to go to other progressive food cities like a San Diego, a Dallas, or Miami to test those waters.
Toor – It feels like the company is doing a good job revitalizing its web presence and getting its real-estate-changing tour-based app / lockbox out there for the public to see. The challenge is that this is an innovation geared to one very specific sort of market, and it’s not one we’ve got a ton of familiarity with. Therefore, there’s only so much that we can speak to or say in this capacity.
Want to get some other highlights from Shark Tank this season, including some other episode reviews and revisited pieces? Then be sure to head over to the link here! (Photo: ABC.)