Ian McShane Game of Thrones tirade is fun, but misguided

LogoWe know that the internet loves to have its fun when it comes to mocking millennials and their penchant for getting upset over little thing. Still, we’re siding with the millennials — or any fans of Game of Thrones in general — on this one. It involves Ian McShane, and him basically trying to be an outlaw even when he’s not on Deadwood.

If you remember, a while back McShane ruffled some feathers among the internet community when he showed that he had ZERO problem whatsoever spoiling the fact that Rory McCann (The Hound) would be return to the show in the same episode that he was featured in as Brother Ray. He was candid about it beforehand, and then people got upset after the fact.

Now, he’s speaking out about that … and let’s just say that Ian still doesn’t care about your feelings. Speaking to Empire Magazine (thanks to Entertainment Weekly for the transcription, since the interview is not online), the actor made it clear how he didn’t care about the spoiler:

Can you believe it? ‘Oh, you’re giving it away.’ Firstly, you love it and secondly, you’ll have forgotten by the time it comes out. And what am I giving away? A character beloved by everybody returns. Get a f—ing life. The show is huge but some fans seem to identify with it [too closely]. You want to say, ‘Have you thought about your lifestyle? Maybe you should get out a little more.’”

There is a part of what the American Gods actor says here that is inherently funny. After all, he’s making it clear that we do care too much about spoilers. Typically, it’s true. However, this is a little bit different than just giving away an episode title; it’s making it clear that a previously-dead character is not actually dead at all! Beyond that, this is a rare show that is in spoiler territory for either book readers or show viewers, and nobody knows what’s coming. We live in a world where politics are destroying relationships and where there are negative headlines everywhere! Can’t we just have Game of Thrones remain a secret? Sure, maybe this makes us a precious little snowflake or whatever, but nothing takes away the feeling of surprise you get from watching something unexpected for the first time. It’s like spoiling The Empire Strikes Back for someone who doesn’t know the key moment is coming.

Dear Ian, let us have our fun. Otherwise, keep being awesome in interviews.

What’s your take on the Ian McShane Game of Thrones controversy? Is there any, and are you worried about him giving any other spoilers away? Share below. (Photo: HBO.)

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