‘Legends of Tomorrow’ season 2 finale will feature Katie Cassidy, Wentworth Miller, and … JRR Tolkien?

LegendsThe second season of “Legends of Tomorrow” is going to be ending with an installment entitled “Aruba” later this season, and based on the official cast list below, we’ve got a rather motley crew of people who are going to be a part of it … beyond of course the typical amazing cast of regulars.

In a post below on Twitter, executive producer Marc Guggenheim confirmed that you would be seeing Wentworth Miller as Leonard Snart in the finale, just as you’re also going to be getting a chance to see Katie Cassidy in some form as Laurel Lance. As for what versions of these characters we’re going to get, that is still unclear given that in the present timeline, they’re both dead. It’s hard to focus too much on people when they’re not actually among the living unless you’re bringing back past versions of them in some way. Anything is possible when it comes to this particular version of the show.

As for one other surprise, how about seeing Jack Turner listed in the role of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings author JRR Tolkien? We didn’t expect to be seeing him on the show, though at the same time maybe this is a chance for there to be some hero moments similar to when the show cast George Lucas as a way for Ray Palmer and Nate Heywood to celebrate his role in shaping their youth / inspiring them to be a scientist and historian, respectively.

If we were to go ahead and make a suggestion for the third season of the show, it’d be to move it over to a format that was a little bit more akin to “Lost.” Focus each episode on a main cast member, and give you either some backstory to another part of their lives or a perspective on what they are going through. This could be ironically more effective on this show than one like “Arrow,” given that we’re dealing here specifically with a show very much about timelines.

What do you think about some of the guest stars for the finale? Share below, and head over here to get some more news on the show, including our most-recent review for this past episode. (Photo: The CW.)

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