‘The Leftovers’: Check out latest season 3 teaser, be reminded of ‘LOST’ all over again
The third and final season of “The Leftovers” is premiering on HBO this April … or, judging from the latest teaser below, the secret final season of “LOST.” Instead of it being a flash-forward or a flash-sideways, we’re instead flashing over into a new universe where Jack has done a Quantum Leap into the body of Kevin Garvey.
One of the big focuses of this teaser is, after all, an Australian airport. HOW MUCH DOES DAMON LINDELOF LOVE AUSTRALIAN AIRPORTS? Seriously. We never thought we’d see another one there. Maybe Damon had his first kiss in Australian airport — or maybe his first breakup, since it seems like with his shows there’s always something terrible that happens at these places.
Here’s the good news: We know that eventually, Kevin and Nora Durst are going to make it from Texas to Australia before the series ends. Therefore, we’re probably not going to see the plane crash, unless it does and Hurley somehow finds a way to get them Down Under on a raft.
One thing that is certainly different about the final season, beyond of course the setting and whatever magnificent beard that Justin Theroux is sporting here: We’re only going to see it for eight episodes. Consider this the show’s way of depressing you before you even get to see any of its episodes! That’s not a whole lot of time to see everything wind down. One of these episodes better still be a Christopher Eccleston feature where we remind ourselves of how awesome he is before relentlessly campaigning for him to win an Emmy that he, unfortunately, probably has no chance to win since Emmy voters don’t seem to know that “The Leftovers” is a show. (Eccleston still wins many of the awards in our mind — if he comes over for dinner, we’ll give him a trophy that we’ll make out of folded-up pieces of printer paper.)
In all seriousness, season 2 of the show was amazing, and we firmly expect season 3 to be, as well. The only loser here seems to be Australian airlines, since this makes us want to avoid all of them like a nasty infection.
Final question: Why is this teaser labeled “mature content”? Is this a way to get “the kids” watching thinking that there’s going to be something R-rated in here? The show itself may be, but this trailer seems fairly tame by HBO standards.
Thoughts on the teaser, and is there a way to make Lindelof feel better about Australian airports? Share in the comments below!