‘Legends of Tomorrow’ season 2, episode 11 video: Are you ready for an evil Rip Hunter?

LegendsThere’s no time to relax for any of the heroes on “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,” though we also presume that this would be a rather boring show in the event that there were opportunities for them to do so. At the end of this past episode, what we witnessed was Eobard Thawne basically reconstructing the brain of one Rip Hunter. He no longer is Phil, the filmmaker during the 1960’s who worked with George Lucas. However, at the same exact time he’s also not the same version of the Captain we saw through season 1.

Basically, Eobard gave his mind a good rejiggering and turned Good Rip into Evil Rip.

The video below features executive producer Phil Klemmer doing his part to detail the transformation of the character, and the crisis that is going to cause the Legends to travel all the way back in time to 1776. Basically, they’re going to be moving back there after Evil Rip decides that it’s a good idea to shoot George Washington in the face. It’s pretty clear that this is the sort of time aberration that changes EVERYTHING. You’re not going to have a country potentially if Washington is not there to lead the charge.

One of the ethical dilemmas for the team of Legends is going to be this: They obviously love Rip Hunter, but they have to reconcile the fact that this version of Rip is not the same version of Rip that they’ve come to love over time. Therefore, what do they do about him? Do they let their feelings get in the way of stopping him from wrecking havoc on people in the era?

We know that we’re very much excited to see everything that the show has in store for us over the course of this episode, especially since we’ve got to figure out if this version of Rip can be brought back to the good side. It was one thing when the Legion of Doom was three people; it’s another thing altogether when we’re looking at four.

Want to get some further news right now when it comes to “Legends of Tomorrow”? Then be sure to move your mouse over to the link here right now! We’ll be back tomorrow with a full review of everything that transpires, so of course we hope that you stay tuned for everything that is going to be coming up. (Photo: The CW.)


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