‘Shark Tank’ revisited: SiliDog, SandiLake Clothing, Parker’s Real Maple, Safe Grabs, and Kevin O’Leary’s story
Tonight, “Shark Tank” is coming on the air with a new episode that originally aired back in October, and this was one where you had some products that got deals, and some others that have been trying to make things work on their own. We don’t think that there are any duds in the episode; all of the ideas below are interesting in some way, but some are more effective than others when it comes to providing something to the market that isn’t already there. These are the ones we’d consider with the most staying power as we start to look even further ahead.
As we often do any time that we are revisiting old episodes, you can look below for quick-takes on many of these products. Be sure to click on any of the links to be taken to their individual sites. The update segment tonight is a further look at the life of Kevin O’Leary, and there’s some irony with that airing today given that he just announced his hopes to try and become the leader of the Conservative Party in Canada.
SandiLake Clothing – The company remains active online and on social media, and are doing just about everything that they can to continue doing what their business is known for — selling unique designs. This is a company that made some headway since the end of the show, but their entire business is dependent largely on getting publicity and turning customers into repeat customers. It’s a never-ending creative process for them, which is different than some of the other companies in the Tank on this particular episode.
Parker’s Real Maple – Joshua Parker did not get a deal in the Tank, but according to some information of his posted online, his business basically tripled overnight after appearing on the show. The product line is still basically the same, whether it be maple syrup, maple cotton candy, or maple butter. Ultimately, this is a very simple business, and if you love all things maple, odds are you’ll love this and we don’t see it going anywhere.
Safe Grabs – Like the other two products mentioned, this company and their multi-use silicon discs are taking advantage of the opportunity to be featured again on the show. This product is one that, like the two before, really needs this sort of platform for publicity since you otherwise wouldn’t really know about it. It remains multi-functional, but it works best in an environment where it can be demonstrated. We’re not sure if we saw this in a store somewhere that we would be all that inclined to pick one of them up for purchase just because we’d have a hard time understanding its use upon first glance.
SiliDog – Like with SandiLake, we imagine that one of the appeals here is that you can continue to introduce more and more iterations of this over time in different designs. Business continues to be solid after the Tank, and we do still feel like this is the most commercially viable of any of the products that were on this episode. It’s the only one that effectively solves a problem that we don’t know many other replacements for. They may be out there, but knowing about this company makes it so we don’t have to do any added research.
Want to get some other news and highlights of all things “Shark Tank”? Then be sure to head over here! (Photo: ABC.)