‘Game of Thrones’ star Kit Harington talks birthday woes

Jon Snow -

When you are Kit Harington, we’re pretty sure that the majority of people out there admire and idolize you for much of the year; however, we’ve now learned that there is one time of the year that you don’t want to be the “Game of Thrones” actor. That time is on his birthday.

As Harington explains in the new video below via W Magazine, the actor (who was born on December 26) has grown accustomed to not getting a lot of love as a result of having to celebrate his birthday immediately following Christmas, when just about everyone else is done with their own celebrations and ready to move on to other things:

“It’s always the same…my whole family just descends on my birthday and I get no attention. So I always end up getting really grumpy and selfish on my birthday. It’s always the same…I go to my local pub.”

While it may seem on the surface as though Kit is feeling a little bit surly about all of this, we actually find him for the most part to be brilliantly deadpan as he tells the story in the clip about what he often tends to do when his birthday rolls around. Think of this as yet another reminder that Harington does have a rather great sense of humor, one that often doesn’t get a chance to show through on a show like “Game of Thrones” — how in the world would you expect for it to when you stop and consider for a minute everything that Jon Snow has faced over the years? We know he’s already done some comedy work on HBO with Andy Samberg, and are certainly rather interested to see if this is something he does even more of once “Game of Thrones” does eventually end.

If you are interested in scoring some additional news right now regarding “Game of Thrones” and the new season, be sure to head over to the link here right now! We’ll of course have more news as it comes out, given that we’ve still got a very long time to wait between now and when the show returns to HBO in the summer. leave us a comment below and tell us how you would celebrate Kit’s birthday if you had a chance to. (Photo: HBO.)

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