Is ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta’ season 9, episode 8 new tonight on Bravo?
There are several things that we’ve come to learn about Bravo over time, and one of the biggest ones is that they can sometimes be a little bit irregular in how they like to air new episodes of their shows. We’ve seen things swappe around before in terms of night, and there are times that they are not afraid to air some of their shows during holidays. After all, there is going to be a new installment of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” airing on New Year’s Day!
However, just because you get one of those on that holiday doesn’t mean that Bravo will be feeling just as kind on Christmas Day. After all, we’re here with the somewhat-sad confirmation that there is no installment of this show airing on December 25, and the reasoning for that is pretty darn simple: Why risk it?
To us at the very least, the difference between airing a new episode on Christmas and airing on on New Year’s Day is that by the end of the latter holiday, most people are starting to settle in again. This is probably true even more so this year, given the sole fact that we’ve got it happening on a Sunday and many people are probably settling in to get back to work the very next day on a Monday. It may as well be business as usual there.
When the show does return in one week’s time, let’s just say that there is going to be plenty more to come when it comes to the aftermath of Phaedra Parks and Kandi Burrus’ latest meetup. Some gossip is going to spread, and in turn that could cause tensions to boil over … just because it never seemed as though we were going to get some sort of peace and quiet with this.
If you do want to see another video preview for the next episode of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta,” rest assured that you can do that just by heading over to the link here. (Photo: Bravo.)