‘Power’ season 4 debate: Should Sandoval be caught?
There may not be too much when it comes to “Power” scoop to report at present, but we do want to give you a little bit of good reading as we move into the holiday break, otherwise known as a pretty slow time for a TV and a good chance to catch up on some other stuff.
For the sake of this article, we’re talking all about a guy in Mike Sandoval who upon first glance, probably seems like a good guy who fights for justice, and one of the last people you’d think to be a double-dealer who takes out people who get a little too close to figuring out precisely the truth about what he’s up to with Lobos. That’s what makes him such a threat, and in turn such an interesting person to watch out for now that we’ve hit the tipping point with this character.
To date, Mike’s been able to shield some of his true actions thanks in part to not having to worry all that much about a key player getting too close. Of course, he hasn’t done something anywhere near as big as taking out Greg Knox before now, and this could very easily be the tipping point that makes it infinitely harder for him to accomplish precisely his goal of playing all sides. As of right now, he’s got the crime effectively pinned on James St. Patrick, a risky proposition since that is one of the most resourceful guys out there. If anyone’s going to figure out a way to escape the accusation, it’s probably him. Also, he may be underestimating the ability of Angela to figure out the truth. Just because she’s arrested ghost now does not necessarily mean that she is going to remain convinced forever that he is the guilty party.
The biggest thing to take away from all of this as we do our best to move into the fourth season is that Mike, whether he is aware of it or not at the moment, is on fairly thin ice. There’s a good chance that he is found out because of Ghost figuring out a way to get out of prison; meanwhile, if eventually enough people start to point the finger at him, you have to think that he’s going to struggle to take action on all of them in time.
Now that we’ve said all of that, we hope he sticks around for most of season 4. He’s a good character, and could easily make a captivating villain. Have him be caught, but save it until the end of the episode if you can.
If you just so happen to be interested in getting some additional news regarding “Power” and what’s coming up, rest assured that you can check it out over at the link here! (Photo: Starz.)