‘The X Factor’ UK: Ryan Lawrie releases music video for ‘If Only’

Ryan Lawrie -As it now turns out, Matt Terry is not the only contestant on this season of “The X Factor” to already have a music video out there in the universe. After all, the same exact thing can be said for one Ryan Lawrie.

If you look below, you can see the singer’s first look at his music video for “If Only,” which is a song that he personally wrote. This is a chance for him to do more of what we wanted to see from him sever since he was a part of the show: Come up with songs that suit his own style, and find ways to deliver them to the fans. He’s not the sort of artist who benefits from having big, dramatic tracks with loud backing music and also dozens of dancers. He’s more of a singer-songwriter type like an Ed Sheeran than your typical pop star that you would see on a show like this.

As for whether or not this song could go big, that’s something that you will probably have to wait until the new year to see. While we’re able to gauge a little bit better the performance of Matt Terry right now, the big difference that is present there is that he’s got a big Christmas song that he is in the process of promoting. Meanwhile, this song is a little more mainstream, and it’s probably going to take a little bit of time for the sentiment and the mood to properly change before we can really figure out precisely how this song is going to end up faring.

Let us know what you think about Ryan’s song, and whether or not you could see it becoming a hit down the road, below. Now that we’re likely also getting a music video from Honey G in “The Honey G Show” coming up before you know it.

For some other news when it comes to “The X Factor,” be sure to head over to the link here. (Photo: ITV.)

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