Why ‘Power’ season 4 shouldn’t do anything different to get awards love
The fourth season of “Power” is going to be premiering on Starz at some point in the summer, and we figure that there is going to be plenty of hype surrounding its debut — regardless of whether or not 50 Cent said anything regarding his future on the show.
However, looking at the season through his comments about potentially wanting out, and his reasoning for it having to do with a Golden Globe snub, has to make you wonder: Could the show be doing something different to get some more love? Should it?
Well, the answer to that is a pretty clear “no,” mostly because there’s such a thing as being in control of your own destiny rather than allowing other people to dictate it for you. If “Power” started to be about drama monologues or experimental episodes designed to get the attention of the Television Academy / the Hollywood Foreign Press / any other organization out there, all of a sudden it starts to feel a little bit less like “Power,” and a little more like some weird / impossible-to-describe television entity. You can’t strip the show of its identity, or start hiring previous award-winners out of the blue just for the sake of getting some love.
After all, you have to consider the fact that if you throw everything against the wall in hopes of getting nominations and it still doesn’t happen, you’ll feel disappointed in the end. Sometimes there are great shows that, for whatever reason, don’t get the love they deserve. “Sons of Anarchy” is a great example of that. “Hell on Wheels” is another. “Rectify” also qualifies.
In the end, the reality here is that sometimes, you have to just make television knowing you’re telling the story that is organic to your world, and the story that fans have come to appreciate. You stay true to yourself and your cast, and deliver the next stage in the evolution of your characters. “Power” should do that, and hope to see some awards follow. If that happens, it’s tremendous; even if it doesn’t, at least it’ll know that it left everything out on the table.
If you want to get some other news right now when it comes to “Power,” just be sure to head over to the link here! We’re going to have even more news pertaining to the show throughout the hiatus, so be sure to be on the lookout! (Photo: Starz.)