‘Doctor Who’ 2016 Christmas Special: Go behind the scenes with Matt Lucas!

Doctor Who -There is another Christmas Special for “Doctor Who” that is going to be airing a little bit later this month on BBC One, and in the video below, you can get some really great insight into just what it is like behind the scenes courtesy of one of the special’s major players in Matt Lucas!

While there is probably a great degree of serious work that goes on behind the scenes of the special, you get the sense with Lucas (who plays Nardole) that there is also a wide array of fun to be had. Why in the world wouldn’t there be? This is a show themed around one of the most wonderful times of the year, so if there wasn’t just a wide array of happiness and cheer, you would wonder somewhat if something was wrong.

Another fun, albeit silly, moment of this video is watching Lucas struggle to properly pronounce star Peter Capaldi’s name — or at least pretend to struggle with it.

You are going to get a chance to see Nardole beyond the Christmas Special this year, as all signs do indicate that this character is going to continue to make his presence felt really throughout the upcoming tenth season in a wide array of fun ways. Maybe he’s not in every episode, but he should at the very least be a fun recurring presence.

In getting back to the Christmas Special, this is entitled “The Return of Doctor Mysterio,” and it is going to be featuring the Doctor in Manhattan where he will encounter a superhero played by none other than Justin Chatwin. We do anticipate a lot of silliness in this episode, but who knows? There may be some surprises to go along with it, given that there almost always is with this series.

Want some other news right now when it comes to the “Doctor Who” special? Then just be sure to head over to the link here right away! (Photo: BBC.)

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