‘Arrow’ season 5 spoilers: Prepare for ‘The Sin-Eater’

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Is “Arrow” season 5 getting ready to unleash a DC Comics villain upon us, or do they have some entirely different plans for the upcoming 14th episode of the season? Unfortunately, there’s no news verifying that one way or another right now.

With that said, we can at least tell you the following: “The Sin-Eater” is the title for the upcoming 14th episode of the season. This was announced as such in a post on Twitter from executive producer Marc Guggenheim. This episode is being written by Barbara Bloom and Jenny Lynn, and is being directed by Mary Lambert. For those wondering, this is not the first time that an “Arrow” episode was both written and directed by women, as it happened during the season 4 episode “Canary Cry.” Still, it’s a pretty cool sight to see.

Within the DC Comics universe, Sin Eater is a character who is basically the demonic manifestation of the serial killer Philip Stark — there are several versions of the characters in the Marvel universe, but we’re obviously not going to be venturing into that territory at all here.  We have a hard time necessarily imagining that we are going to end up meeting the same sort of Sin Eater that existed in the comics, mostly because that seems a little too out of left field for this show, especially since they’ve professed as of late an interest in getting away from these sort of overly-supernatural stories on the show at the moment.

If we had to guess, we would say that this particular title is a reference to either the actions of a character, or a completely new person within the universe who goes by the name. Remember that Prometheus this season is also a new character, even though there were some named Prometheus who were out there within the CW universe already.

What we do know is that in terms of the timing of the episode, we’re getting to see this at a time in which Oliver’s hands are already full. He’s just seen Prometheus completely devastate and damage the entire team — Felicity’s boyfriend Billy Malone is dead, and Diggle is now arrested. Oliver didn’t intend for either of these things to happen, but he has to bear some responsibility for each of them.

If you are interested in getting some other news when it comes to “Arrow” right away, be sure to head over to the link here right now! We’ll be back with some other news on the series moving forward.

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