‘Real Housewives of Beverly Hills’ preview: Erika Jayne’s auditions; Dorit Kemsley’s birthday

Beverly Hills -The new season of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills” is now officially upon us, and that means that we are going to have a chance to see a wide array of different stories play out (hopefully not any that have to do with Munchhausen again). Some of them are going to revolve around various cast members trying to make amends (we are looking at Lisa Rinna and Lisa Vanderpump for this one), whereas some others are going to focus on some funny moments which is what we look froward to the most with this show.

In the video preview below, we think that we’ve got a mixture of just about anything and everything. For one Erika Girardi a.k.a. Erika Jayne is going to be holding auditions for her latest music videos, and if we know Erika that video is going to push the envelope when it comes to sex appeal. It’s going to be fun to see who shows up for the auditions! Meanwhile, Lisa Vanderpump is going to offer up some rather unexpected words, while also telling a few jokes in regards to getting a new horse.

For some other news about what’s going to be coming up — including how Dorit Kemsley is going to be getting involved — take a look at the synopsis below:

“Erika auditions dancers for her new music video “Xxpensive.” Dorit’s extravagant birthday party provides a few surprises, both planned and unplanned. At the party, Lisa Vanderpump shows Lisa Rinna and Eileen exactly where they stand.”

Basically, we anticipate that there is going to be a chance for a lot of fun and extravagance in here (which we love!), while at the same time a massive struggle that revolves around seeing whether or not Lisa can get on the same page with some of her fellow cast members again after such a long period of time of everyone being angry from the events of last season. We don’t imagine that this is going to be an easy process for her or the other women to move forward and forget some of the past, but for the sake of having a cohesive season, it really could be the best thing that happens.

To get some other news on “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills,” including a review for tonight’s episode, head over to the link here. Also, be sure to leave us a comment below and tell us if you think Lisa Vanderpump is going to be able to smooth things over with the ladies. (Photo: Bravo.)

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