‘Arrow’ season 5 spoilers: Prepare for a darker story ahead for Felicity

Arrow -While Felicity Smoak may be one of the more optimistic characters within the world of “Arrow” more often than not, it certainly appears as though we’re set to receive some sort of dramatic turn for her over the course of the up coming episodes — and it’s really not all that hard to envision why that would be the case, either. Just remember for a moment here everything that she’s been through, especially when it comes to what just happened with Detective Billy Malone. Maybe you can say that this man was not necessarily the great love of her life, but at the same time, he was someone she cared about deeply and there was potential in her mind for there to be something more.

In speaking further about the challenges and potential darkness that does lie ahead for her to TVLine, executive producer Wendy Mericle had the following to say:

“Felicity has set her sights on Prometheus … This season we have said we’re going to take her to a darker place, and you’re seeing the genesis of the reason why, right here … [She] is going to meet some people who are both a bit tied to her past but also very much tied to this new future she’s contemplating, and that’s going to draw her away from the team and lead her to do some things that are pretty morally questionable.”

One thing that Mericle did make clear is that she is not going to hold anything that happened when it comes to Billy’s death against Oliver; she understands that this is a world where these sort of things can and do often happen, and he clearly did not intend for anything terrible to happen. This is a nice note to add in there, given that lesser shows would probably make her or any other character have some sort of rash emotional outburst towards the person responsible for the killing, even if they acted with the best intentions in heart.

“Arrow” will not be back on the air until January, but if you head over here, you can read some other news when it comes to the show right away! Also, leave us a comment int he box below and tell us if you want to see a darker side of Felicity. (Photo: The CW.)

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