‘The Walking Dead’ season 7 midseason finale: Who could die?

twdWith the midseason finale of “The Walking Dead” right around the corner, isn’t now really the best time to start to ponder over the question in the title? Given the nature of this show, and so much of what they’ve done in this season, it almost goes without saying that the odds are high we are going to lose a major character over the course of the hour-plus that the episode is going to run. If it is anyone on the level of Glenn, we’d be shocked, but that is also at the same time one of the primary points of the show!

Based on all of the information that we’ve seen so far, here are the people who probably should be under the microscope the most over the course of the episode.

Olivia – Negan seems well aware of how afraid she is of him, and we don’t think that he would necessarily look at her as such a threat that he needed to do away with her himself (and he hates killing women as a general rule). Yet, at the same time we’d be far from shocked if he had someone else do the deed, just to further make a statement that he means business.

Carl – Regardless of what happens to the character in the comics, you can easily make the argument at the moment that Negan could eventually reconcile his admiration for Carl alongside the realization that this kid is a slight threat to him in that he thinks with brutality in mind. He’s a child of this era, and in that sense he does not have the same exact recollection of what life was like before we got around to this point in the world. Carl feels his family is threatened and that’s dangerous for Negan.

Judith – Could we really lose a young child? It’s horrific, but if there was one way that the show really wanted to disturb us, this could be it, especially since the last episode ended with Judith on Negan’s lap as he kissed her on the forehead. Is this the kiss of death?

Spencer – Well, would anyone really be that upset?

Michonne – This is the one that terrifies us the most at the moment, but she is seemingly off doing her own thing trying to stop Negan, and in putting herself directly in harms way she is directly allowing something terrible to transpire. Let’s just hope that this doesn’t happen and she is able to emerge from this plan in one piece. She is after all, one of our favorites on the show.

Who do you think is the most likely to die? Let us know in the attached comments! For some other news regarding “The Walking Dead,” including the lineup for “Talking Dead” tonight and a video sneak peek, be sure to head over to this link right now! (Photo: AMC.)

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