‘Legends of Tomorrow’ season 2, and the connection between Eobards

Reverse -Where precisely is the “Legends of Tomorrow” version of the Reverse-Flash coming from? While we do by and large consider this character to be great fun, we’ll be the first to admit that there is some understandable confusion out there when it comes to the Legion of Doom.

In the case of Eobard, the biggest problem is strictly one where the character is technically dead in the present timeline, and therefore, he has to be plucked from somewhere else … however complicated that may be, mostly because this is a rare case of a character from the future who was killed in the past, and therefore what we could be seeing is the past of a character prior to him being killed off in his personal future on “The Flash” … which is the past for all of us as viewers. Confused much? We absolutely are, and that is why we are further craving some answers.

Luckily, we do have the following quote from Eobard himself in Matt Letscher (per Entertainment Weekly), which offers up a little bit more insight into how in the world we’re seeing this guy:

“We are going to find out shortly on Legends of Tomorrow just how this Eobard links into the Eobard from The Flash, where he’s coming from, and more importantly, where he’s going to after this.”

Following the events of this past winter finale, we know that Eobard’s new team consists of Malcolm Merlyn and Damien Darhk, and of course there’s a little bit of mystery associated with the two of them as well. For Malcolm, we’re in particularly interested in why the decision was made to pluck him out of the future and bring him into this universe. There wasn’t necessarily a place for him on “Arrow,” but what will he bring beyond a knowledge of Sara Lance? We’re excited to find out — and to simply have more of John Barrowman in everything mostly because he’s John Barrowman and therefore rather amazing.

If you want to get some other news when it comes to “Legends of Tomorrow,” including some reviews, previews, and a whole lot more, be sure to head over to the link here. (Photo: The CW.)

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