‘Game of Thrones’ season 7 actor on the whole Jon – Meera Reed theory
Everyone does love a good theory, right? Well, we do absolutely know that there are few shows out there quite like “Game of Thrones” when it comes to bringing these said good theories to the table and allowing them to be discussed. For the longest time, the most-prevalent rumor when it comes to the show was that Jon Snow was the child of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targeryan, and that seemed to be mostly confirmed (it was 100% on the Lyanna side) at the end of season 6.
Meanwhile, another theory that has bounced around for a little while now is one that potentially states that Meera Reed and Jon Snow may have been secret twins, and that Howland Reed took one of the children away while Ned Stark took the other. This is something that may be fair to assume is untrue at this point, given that there was no female baby at the Tower of Joy when we saw the scene last season.
Yet, at the same time, it’s still worth speculating about, and even the actress behind Meera in Ellie Kendrick doesn’t see to know one way or another. Speaking per TV Guide, the actress had the following message to pass along:
“I genuinely don’t know, because most of the time we don’t get told anything, because they know the actors can’t keep secrets, so I actually have no idea. I haven’t been told it’s true or it’s not true… I suspect it might not be [true], and I also think that the theory only started to come about when we were cast and people were like, ‘oh, they both have curly hair,’ but who knows? I never rule anything out with this show, because they surprise you at every turn.”
For the time being, we’d argue that the best thing to do here is move forward, and in turn focus on the wide array of the other theories that we know are out there concerning the show. These are ones that we’re hopefully going to get some more chances to dive into over the course of the coming months. We’ve certainly got plenty of time, given that season 7 will not air until we roll around to the summer.
For some more news and information now regarding “Game of Thrones,” we suggest that you head over to the link here. (Photo: HBO.)