‘Elementary’ season 5 spoilers: Is serious trouble ahead for Joan Watson?
There always are episodes of almost every crime show under the sun where we see one of the main characters face some trouble after they are accused of a crime, and it often doesn’t really even matter if it is a crime that they actually committed or not.
Moving forward on “Elementary,” it certainly seems as though this is one of the stories that could be coming up by the time we get to the end of this year is one that puts Joan Watson through hell and back. After all, on the upcoming December 18 episode entitled “Pick Your Poison” she will be implicated in an investigation from the DEA over doctors writing prescriptions illegally, and as a result of that, she has to figure out who has taken her medical license, and is off using it in order to sell drugs.
This is certainly an interesting story, albeit a complicated one because there are probably a number of different people who could be behind it. There’s a chance that it is someone random who just happened to figure out that she is someone that she could rip off; however, at the same time there’s also a reasonably good possibility that this is someone she’s known at some point during her life and career who knows that she is not regularly using her license, and as a result of that, may just try to take advantage of what is, at least in their mind, an opportunity.
Given that this is the final episode of the year presumably, the one thing that we are fairly confident in is that this is probably going to be one of the more exciting cases we’ll see for quite some time.
Interested in getting some further news right now when it comes to “Elementary”? Then just be sure to head over to the link here! (Photo: CBS.)