‘Gotham’ season 3, episode 12: Cameron Monaghan (briefly) teases disfigured Jerome

Gotham -If you watched the promo that aired last week following the most-recent episode of “Gotham,” then you already know one thing with some confidence: there’s not a new episode coming on the air tonight. The show’s opting instead to be on hiatus until the new year, when there will be a new block of episodes coming on the air, and featuring to go along with it a wide array of unusual things.

At the moment, the biggest one of these said “unusual things” is the return-of-sorts for Jerome, the exceptionally-feared villain from seasons 1 and 2 as played by Cameron Monaghan. For the time being, the circumstances surrounding this said return are one of the reasons why this is so interesting. After all, wasn’t this character dead the last time that we saw hi? It definitely looked that way given what Theo Galavan did to him. Yet, there’s a message featuring him in the most-recent promo (it could’ve been taped before his death), and now we have a new image below that certainly seems to hint at this version of Jerome having an extremely creepy mask. This image was originally posted by the “Shameless” actor on his Twitter account, but then later deleted. The copy below is from someone lucky enough to capture it.

As for what’s going on here, one of the easiest theories is that the show is going for a fleshy-mask version of the Joker a la what we’ve seen in the New 52 comic series. It’s a chance to show a little bit of a different side of the Joker and how he chooses to be active within the supervillain world.

We’d argue, however, that there are many other possibilities here, as well. It’s possible that one of the villains on the show managed to simply get ahold of Jerome’s face and is attaching it to a different mold, that this is some sort of not-before-seen doppelganger, or that Jerome actually was dead and was revived by someone like a Hugo Strange. The thing about this show is that they don’t necessarily have to invalidate what they’ve shown by being like “it was a trick the whole time,” given that they are very good at crafting narratives that make sense within this world, even if they don’t make sense for any other world that possibly exists out there.

Want some additional news when it comes to “Gotham”? Then our suggestion is fairly clear: Head over to this link! (Photo: Fox.)


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