‘Madam Secretary’ season 3 spoilers: Something scary this way comes…
Thanks to CBS, we know now a thing or two more about what is coming up later this season on “Madam Secretary,” and it gives us even more of a reason to be fearful about the road ahead.
We don’t want to give anything too major away in terms of specifics, but we will tell you this: On the upcoming December 18 episode of the series entitled “The Race,” we’re going to see a situation unfold where we see one main character with their life on the line. It’s certainly not the first time that the show has gone in this particular direction. Previously, we saw a cliffhanger where it appeared as though either President Dalton or Elizabeth McCord could be assassinated; meanwhile, there was another stretch of time in which it appeared as though Henry was about to draw his last breath.
Hopefully, we’re going to see whoever is at the center of this story survive as well, but the one additional thing we’ll tell you here is that this life-or-death situation is more due to a natural occurrence, as opposed to someone trying to kill a character.
As for what else is coming in this episode, CBS also teased that a possible war breaking out between Israel and Iran could play an integral role in the upcoming Presidential vote in Congress; because none of the candidates reached the required threshold in the electoral vote, the power has been passed on to determine the next leader of the country. Hopefully, Dalton’s experience will win out, but any international incidence could lead to confidence in him being shattered.
If you are interested in getting some further news regarding “Madam Secretary” right now, be sure to head over to the link here! We’ll have even more news when it comes to the series as we get closer to the next new episode on Sunday. (Photo: CBS.)