‘The Big Bang Theory’ season 10, episode 10 video: Leonard, Sheldon’s debate over belongings

Big Bang -Over the past few days, “The Big Bang Theory” certainly has teased that there is an argument of epic proportions coming between Leonard and Sheldon, and also that this should not surprise anyone in the slightest given the situation the characters are now in. They’re no longer living together, and as a result of that, they have to determine the future of shared items that they received over the years.

If they were normal characters, it’d probably go like this: A simple sit-down where they divide up the goods, disagree on a few things, but eventually resolve their problems and go along their merry way. However, these two are not ordinary people in the slightest, especially Sheldon. He’s going to offer up ridiculous justifications and pleas at almost every moment, and the sneak peek below is a small sample of that.

For now, the best way to describe Leonard’s reaction to all of this seems to be “resignation,” mostly because he doesn’t seem to have any real interest in fighting with him over stuff. Maybe he’ll get to a breaking point when Sheldon demands something that has some sort of deep personal attachment to him. Otherwise, we don’t really see him caring enough to really dive into the pit with him.

Maybe we’re burying the lead here, given the fact that the photo above is the return of the EPIC PENNY AND AMY PICTURE from earlier in the series’ run. Right when this started to slip back deep into the inner recesses of our brain, it’s going to come roaring back Thursday night. As for how it’s turning up, who knows? Maybe Penny tries to pawn the gift over to Amy by leaving it over at her place, and Amy’s coming to give it to her as a show of good faith; after all, wasn’t this a gift to Penny in the first place?

All in all, it does look like we’re in for a particularly funny episode, and if you do want to read more about it, you can do so by heading over to the link here and checking out the synopsis! (Photo: CBS.)


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