‘Big Brother OTT’ spoilers: A fake Monte; Justin’s endorsement

Justin -If you were hoping for an interesting day of “Big Brother OTT” live feeds, we have a feeling that you are leaving feeling rather disappointed today given how little of substance there was going on.

Basically, you know that it’s a pretty boring day when one of the big highlights is Morgan, Kryssie, and Jason creating a fake version of Monte. At least this was moderately entertaining, and there is a time-honored tradition of making fake versions of houseguests after they leave. After being in the house for this long, you inevitably do get bored and you start to look for some of the most inane ways imaginable in order to start to pass a little bit of the time. It’s better than watching people sleep or complain about each other!

Also today, we had a lengthy conversation between Morgan and Justin that seemed to us mostly to be her hearing him out. He made it clear at one point in there that he would want everyone at home to vote for Morgan to win if he goes home, so there you another endorsement for her … not that we think that it matters, given that the vast majority of the internet votes seem to be going to Jason and he’s got the biggest army of former houseguests imaginable to back him up.

For the record, Morgan and Justin each said that they would play “Big Brother OTT” again, provided that they had a little bit of an opportunity to rest up and get back to a normal life beforehand. This tends to be how the vast majority of people who play the game seem to feel after the fact; unfortunately for them, we’re not sure CBS ever plans on reusing any of these people. The best thing they could hope for is that one of them makes it onto a summer season; we could envision some sort of vote next summer where one could go back in, and that’s probably about it.

If you do want to get some additional news regarding “Big Brother,” be sure to head over to the link here! (Photo: CBS.)

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