‘Agents of SHIELD’ season 4, episode 7 video: Simmons finds herself in tough spot

Simmons -There’s a new episode of “Agents of SHIELD” airing finally on ABC Tuesday night after a rather-lengthy delay, and based on the sneak peek below, it may be fair to ask one question in particular: What in the world is going on?

The short answer here is that Simmons is being brought in on a rather tricky quest to try and identify what an Inhuman is going to become once they emerge from their Terrigenesis Cocoon — which is a little unusual in the first place given that this is a process meant only to take a matter of moments rather than seven months. It’s hard to see how she’s going to be able to identify anything given the limited knowledge; sure, she’s been around many an Inhuman at this point, but never quite in this state.

Who could this Inhuman be underneath? We’d certainly revel in a Black Bolt sighting, but we’re getting almost zero evidence that is going to happen given that ABC is plotting a separate series right now featuring this character, which is currently slated to launch at some point moving into the next season. Maybe that ends up becoming an extension to “SHIELD,” or a replacement depending on how the ratings fare the rest of the way. The two things that we do know about it (beyond Black Bolt being featured) is that this was originally meant to be a feature film before ABC scrapped their plans, and that it’s not being thought of as a spin-off to the current show.

In case you’re wondering just where the likes of Coulson and Ghost Rider are, let’s just say that they may have some other problems to deal with at present…

For more “Agents of SHIELD” news right now prior to the next new episode airing, be sure to head over to the link here! (Photo: ABC.)

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