‘Survivor: Millennials vs. Gen X’ episode 11 video: The disadvantage of Adam’s advantage

Adam -Advantages through most of “Survivor” do not have a particularly great track record. We’ve yet to see someone win the game with one; as a matter of fact, we’ve yet to even see someone receive a vote at the Final Tribal Council who had one during the game. Dan and Stephen were voted out in part because they were considered a threat.

However, the dilemma for Adam going into Wednesday’s episode is a little different than most, given that his advantage on paper (the ability to steal a reward from someone) is not often something that directly impacts the game. The best thing that you can ever get out of it is potentially another advantage for an immunity challenge.

However, there are ways that using this advantage could indirectly benefit you in many different ways, beginning with the notion that you could use something like this in order to get some food in your belly (which gives you energy or nutrition), and the sort of emotional support that you don’t often get during the game itself. That seems to be what Adam is considering in the preview below (short as it may be) for Wednesday night’s new episode. He has a chance to spend time with a loved one (who also ironically seems to have a “Survivor” beard going on), and hear some news regarding how his mother is faring in her battle with cancer.

There are several different components to what Adam has to decide here, and they could all impact his game. If he decides not to steal a reward, maybe there is a part of him that will deeply regret that for the remainder of his life. However, if he decides to steal it from someone, they may never forgive him. Maybe the right move here is to just come clean about the situation back home, but he acknowledges that if he does this, he could be seen as a target via a sympathy vote at the end.

Ultimately, what we’re trying to say is that this is a no-win scenario for Adam with this advantage. No matter what he gains, he’ll end up losing something to go along with it.

To receive some other news when it comes to “Survivor,” head over here to see our feature piece looking at the winners and losers from this past two-hour installment!


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