‘Supergirl’ season 2 spoilers: ‘Medusa’ and its alien threat

Supergirl -

The winter finale of “Supergirl” is going to be coming your way on The CW Monday night, and it’s fair to say that Kara Danvers is going to be facing threats on almost every front. She’s going to be dealing with the emotional fallout of seeing her father Jeremiah Danvers for the first time in years, and at the same exact time trying to handle the arrival of Medusa, a virus that could put both her life and the lives of many other aliens in great peril.

Want to get a little bit more insight into that? Then be sure to check out what Brenda Strong, who plays Cadmus’ own Lillian Luthor a.k.a. Lena’s mother, had to say to Entertainment Weekly:

“Medusa plays very strongly in the next episode, which is episode 208, and it’s basically a virus. It’s one of those exclusive viruses that doesn’t touch anyone whose organic material is human. It only attacks anything that is alien, and it’s a big one. So, that poses imminent threat to the planet.”

Whatever happens here with Medusa, we better hope that it is resolved fairly quickly given the sole fact that there is still so much other content that the show is going to be dealing with moving forward — including the epic crossover event with “Arrow,” “The Flash,” and “Legends of Tomorrow.” This will begin at the end of Monday night’s winter finale, and will continue over the coming days. After this episode, “Supergirl” proper will not return to The CW until January most likely, but there still should be a lot of exciting stuff to look forward to.

If you want to see a further preview for Monday’s “Supergirl” episode right away, we’ve got an easy solution for you right now: Head over to the link here right now! (Photo: The CW.)

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