‘How to Get Away with Murder’ season 3, episode 8 video: Viola Davis’ Annalise scrambles for answers

Annalise -There is a new episode of “How to Get Away with Murder” airing on Thursday night, and this one is certainly more important than most. This is the final episode of the show airing before the midseason finale, which is going to answer many a question that lingers on the mind of viewers. Specifically, you’re going to learn who is no longer with us. That doesn’t mean that this person’s story is over, but you can say for certain that this said story is going to evolve a little bit.

The sneak peek below for this episode focuses on what is a very different but equally-important problem at the moment, and that is one Annalise Keating in prison, scrambling and trying to figure out what happened and precisely who could be responsible for her getting there. At one point, she does question Bonnie as the person behind the act, which is a charge that she pretty-promptly denies. She instead promises to help Annalise figure this out, and we do feel like she will. We’re just not entirely sure that it is going to matter.

What is excellent about what the show is doing right now is the simply way in which they’ve set up the buildup to the final episode of the year. For example, we’re not just waiting in order to figure out the identity of the mystery person under the sheet; we’ve also gotta worry about Laurel, given the sudden emergence of Frank back in her life. Is it possible that he could be the father of her unborn child? While we hope that this isn’t the case, there is a legitimate cause for concern there.

Also, just in general there are reasons to worry about these people. This is a show with a currency of lying, and we don’t think anyone’s going to be happy anytime soon. If they were, suddenly there wouldn’t quite be much of a show anymore.

For more news on the whole “who is under the sheet?” mystery, head over here to see our recent list of possibilities now! (Photo: ABC.)

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