‘Elementary’ season 5, episode 5 video: The vigilante mystery


Over the years on CBS’ “Elementary,” we’ve seen Sherlock Holmes and Joan Watson tackle some rather-tricky cases. Yet, at the same time the upcoming “To Catch a Predator Predator” airing Sunday night (we didn’t type that word twice by accident) may be one of the stranger ones. Typically when we think of the word “vigilante,” such people come to mind as Batman or, more recently, the Green Arrow. Yet, sometimes vigilantes can sometimes also do terrible things. Oliver Queen on “Arrow” was technically killing people during his early days, and in a way you can argue that Dexter Morgan on “Dexter” fit the same sort of label.

Within the world of the Jonny Lee Miller series, you could see Sunday what happens when someone decides to fight back against a vigilante and turn the tables on them in a pretty terrible manner.

Synopsis – “Holmes and Watson have plenty of suspects when they investigate the murder of a man who led a secret life as a vigilante, “catfishing” sexual predators on dating sites and publicly shaming them. Also, when Shinwell’s criminal record prevents him from finding a full-time job.”

To us, the primary problem with such a case feels abundantly clear, and that is that it could be almost impossible to catch the responsible party here given that there are so many people out there with a motive. No one wants to be shamed, even if they are criminals responsible for doing horrible things. In their own warped viewpoint they could see this vigilante as the evil-doer and want some semblance of revenge. In turn, this could lead to them committing murder — clearly, they have no problem with breaking the law based on some of their prior actions.

As for Shinwell, our concern for Joan remains the same: Whether or not her attempts to help this man is worthwhile, given that it’s still not abundantly clear precisely how much he wants to help himself.

For some further news on “Elementary,” be sure to visit the link here right now(Photo: CBS.)


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